Friday, August 28, 2009
Was searching for part time jobs online during Tuesday(25/08/09).Well I manage to well find one from JobStreet which I had send in my resume too.To my surprise I actually got a call on the following morning & arrange for an interview on Thursday (27/08/09) which I manage to secure the job hehe..
A great sense of success was felt after signing the contract.Though it isn’t my first time working,but this time round is my first ever achievement in getting a job on my own account without any inter-relationship involved in the process.Btw I’m posted to Jurong Point John Little branch & working as cashier at the Children Wear Department ya.
Went for cashiering training today(28/08/09) too & piang eh the place for the job training really is damn far.Got to take train from Jurong East all the way to Expo then reach there still need to walk for about 15mins before arriving at the security post.After the whole training,I guess it isn’t really an easy job as cashier haa..
Last but not least below are my working schedules:
Shift Timing
31st Aug-Shift A
1st Sept-Shift B1
2nd Sept-Shift B1
3rd Sept-Shift B1
4th Sept-Off day
5th Sept-Shift B
6th Sept-Shift B
7th-9th Sept-Off day
10th Sept-Shift C
11th Sept-Shift C
12th Sept-Shift B
13th Sept-Shift B
Monday, August 24, 2009
Have been NPCC-ed for the past 2 days which explain for my burned arrgh..This time round I took the NCOs for their Promotion Test & well a mixture of expected & unexpected result came out. Overall I guess they still have lots of thing to learn in their NCOship & as for me, I think I better start to learn how to avoid getting myself sun-burned again haa.
Next with 3 out of 4 UT over, I guess its just left with the last & but yet the most challenging module which is Stem Cells. Well not sure if I will be prepared for it but still I’m gonna try all means & ways to pass it. Afterall UT3 worth 50% of the overall UTs Grades & 25% of your overall module GPA grades leh.
Hoho last but not least how can I forget to look forward to this upcoming 5 weeks school holiday. Shall look forward to all outings though not forgetting to go on a job hunting & returning to school for the start of G302 FYP too haha..
Some overdue SQSS NPCC NDP 2009 Photos….EnjoyWith that I shall end this post here...Do leave a tag behind yea :p
Saturday, August 8, 2009
To hang out with groups of friends
Receiving Presents
Eat lots of nice food
More freedom
Sunrise & Sunset
Scrolling on the beach
People with bad attitude
Too much pressure & stress
Third party
Anti-social people
People who make use of me
Being betray
Stingy people
To be a very rich guy
To travel round the world
Faster graduate from RP
For a special person in my world
Have more knowledge
To be someone outstanding
Be perfect
Have lots of good friends
SQSS NPCC to become a gold unit one day
No more exams & test
Thanks to all the blogs i
referred to
(countless) for
html code help :)
(esp. cyn' and sixseven)
Adobe Photoshop Elements
for supernatural abilities