Wahaha finally have the time to update.....
First of all I wanna declare I'm finally done & submitted my 4900 words FYP Report WOOHOO..It sure took lots & lots of days & nights in order to complete lolz..Of cos not forgetting this could not have been achieved without the accompany of Elaine.Thanks lady really appreciate it for all the several late nights staying in school.
Secondly will be regarding school matters.I just realise for the past 2 weeks I had only attended lesson for just 2 days OMG!!!! Was feeling totally unwell(Must be that Lai Lai restaurant at JP2 hai de) for the first week & somehow I started to feel restless & less motivated to go school on the second week.Alrite I know ppl,its bad of me to skip school for so many days rite but I just really couldn't find any motivation to go school at times sigh..Nonetheless I promise I will start to attend lesson on this upcoming week kkz..
Thirdly RP had become more & more dangerous place to go liao.Up to today(27/06/09) there had been 36 confirmed case in 16 classes & all Year 1 student had also been suspended from school for 1 week OMG!!!!! At first it wasn't really much of a concern to me as the infected classes/blocks were very far away from mine but not it had spread from W1-E5.I guess my class at E6 isn't that safe anymore.God pls protect me from any harm kkz......................wait a minute I forgot I'm a free thinker #@#@#$ -_-!!! Anyway just be more careful everyone especially RP student.
Fourthly was suppose to attend camp at Palau Ubin this week thanks to the H1N1 it was cancel under the new MOE directive.Was shocked,surprised & disappointed at first as we were only informed just 1 day before the actual camp.It kinda put our past 2-3 months planning efforts into waste but then come to think of it,for the safety of everyone I guess its right to postpone it though I dun really look forward for a camp held during moonsoon season haa..
Last but not least how can I not remember to post about Kimmy birthday haha.Finally all
celebration is over & I must say this was one birthday where much effort was spent.Lets summarise the event,it started off searching for present high & low for 3 day from town to city hall then VIVO,designing the birthday card,buying a cake at JP2 decorated by the both of us,dinner at her house on birthday eve,a celebration in school & lastly dinning at Tony Roma at Suntec.
Photos Taken
At Birthday Girl House

Star of the day

Birthday Girl in School

Elaine where are u looking at haa!!!

Receiving Present in class

Unwrapping Present

At Tony Roma

Our Drinks(Mocktails)
House Salad with Thousand Island dressing

Medium-Well Steak

BBQ Chicken with Steak
Shrimps with Steak
Alrite that is all folks...Leave a tag yea
Jonathan blogged at 12:16 AM
May your light shine...
in the darkness...
Gosh we finally got it WOOHOO & I really mean FINALLY..Gotta agree much with lady that we can finally sleep in peace or at least for now haa.Have been searching high & low for 3 days ranging from Wisma,Takashimaya,Shaw House,Paragon,Raffles City,Marina Square to lastly VIVO City.Hell goodness I had nvr ever spent so much time & walking distance in search of something.A great sense os satisfactory arise when we brought the item wahaha..
Photo in VIVO
Secret Recipe
Our Cakes

Lady & Me

Angela & Me

Angel & Lady


Funny Photo at Sky Park (using smile detection)



Ooops try harder next time haa..
(Manully take)


Say Cheese...
Thats all folks.Leave a tag behind ya.Bye ppl
Jonathan blogged at 10:58 PM
May your light shine...
in the darkness...