Tuesday, January 29, 2008
Alright back for updates...
Hmm many things have happen ever since my last update.Its basically ranging from having fun at class,going shopping with friends to going for training at SQSS NPCC.Mood have also goes up & deeply down during this period.Up because I'm really having fun at class nowadays(I also dun know why) & went out with friends to have some fresh air for myself as well but down because of NPCC stuff again & the fact that this class will disband soon as holiday is approaching.
This class W34B is really a memorable one for me.Basically my presence was recognize here unlike the other class I had before & I think people in this class are really much more friendlier & have more bondings(though we do fight at sometimes hahaz).But sad to say this coming friday(01/02/08) will be the last day for us as holiday officially starts on the next following day.Perhaps that is why some people say friends come & go in our live but only those who left their footprints behind in our heart are someone we treasure the most(in this case I'm referring to W34B classmate).Hope our friendship would last & if free meet up often as well ya hahaz..
Back to NPCC stuff(sigh),I'm just really really mentally exhausted.Almost everything in the unit just does not seems alright be it the cadets,NCOs,CIs or even the officers.For me seriously I think I have really give in my very best le,but yet i couldn't do much to help the present state of this unit.Can you imagine that you gave in your very best in doing something but yet no result is been achieve & that is why I'm very depress.And what could be more worst when my OC sent an email stressing that the unit is not doing well & she herself was very depress too.Haiz haiz haiz it just make me even more depress.As for why I say I'm mentally exhausted is not just what I have mention above but because for the next few months think there will be more NPCC event coming up 1 month after another.Starting from next month campcraft competition,then speech day at April,Area ATC at May,maybe annual camp at June & lastly NDP at August.So by seeing this I think can't really have rest from NPCC even if I want to as everying just need lots of planning & training.
Ok think that shall be all for today & remember to tag my tagboard when you visit my blog ya bb..
Jonathan blogged at 10:10 PM
May your light shine...
in the darkness...
Sorry friends but I'm really moodless to blog.Generally have been feeling up & deeply down these few days.
Jonathan blogged at 9:51 PM
May your light shine...
in the darkness...
Tuesday, January 22, 2008

You are The Devil
Materiality. Material Force. Material temptation; sometimes obsession
The Devil is often a great card for business success; hard work and ambition.
Perhaps the most misunderstood of all the major arcana, the Devil is not really "Satan" at all, but Pan the half-goat nature god and/or Dionysius. These are gods of pleasure and abandon, of wild behavior and unbridled desires. This is a card about ambitions; it is also synonymous with temptation and addiction. On the flip side, however, the card can be a warning to someone who is too restrained, someone who never allows themselves to get passionate or messy or wild - or ambitious. This, too, is a form of enslavement. As a person, the Devil can stand for a man of money or erotic power, aggressive, controlling, or just persuasive. This is not to say a bad man, but certainly a powerful man who is hard to resist. The important thing is to remember that any chain is freely worn. In most cases, you are enslaved only because you allow it.
Jonathan blogged at 11:11 PM
May your light shine...
in the darkness...
First of all yesterday(13/01/2008) went to bed as at around 11pm.Was feeling kinda tired but yet cannot fall asleep(WTH!!!!).I think it was about 1hr later that I fall asleep & guess what??? I had a nightmare that woke me up at 4.51am lah lolz..And because of that nightmare I dared not to sleep back till around 6am & then woke up again at 7.30am to prepare for school.Left home at around 8.20am & MRTed to Woodlands & reach there at 9.06am.Was surprise that not many RP student was on the way to school but din bother to care why.Decided to slowly walk to school cos thinking that I'm sure not able to make it on time so might as well be late once in a while.Upon reaching outside classroom which is 9.17am,suddenly a lady stopped me & told me that I was late & cannot enter that classroom for the time being.I was like "huh" cos normally if you are late then just go in lah but today was abit different.Slowly I began to realise that it might be UT & it really was UT day lah ARGGH!!! Damn it man missing one UT.Not forgetting to mention I drop my laptop today(14/01/2008) also & the top part there got something spolit too sob sob...Haiz just feel very unlucky for the whole day lah...
Jonathan blogged at 10:44 AM
May your light shine...
in the darkness...
Alright here comes my first post in the year 2008...
Basically holiday officially ended yesterday which also means school start from today onwards (sianz)..MRTed(standing all the way lor) to school early in the morning at 9am today & was feeling really very tired cos was used to sleep late & wake up late in the holidays.The earliest I woke up was also 11plus unless if there are any event for the day then will wake up earlier lah.Anyway went straight to class to have basic science module & today got to team with sanjay,luqman,naresh & wan ling.Was kinda having fun in class instead of doing work(but still got do work de ok) & was also yawning most of the time in lesson(buay tahan sia)..Brain was also working slow today due to the fact that for the past 3 weeks nvr study but who cares ya hahaz..Finally after the 6P went to do RJ & waiting for everyone else to go off together.Again MRTed with eileen & naresh back home & brought some food at pasar malam at JE for dinner.By the time I had reach home it was nearly 7pm le(O man!!! I'm really tired to the max).Alright think that shall be all for now so good nite everyone ZzZz...
Jonathan blogged at 10:05 PM
May your light shine...
in the darkness...