Tuesday, October 30, 2007
Hiaz...Currently in school having VB lesson
I'm so so depress now cos VB is my weakest module.I tried to understand the lesson but its not working well cos I dun even have the basic foundation due to last semester din work hard so even if I wish to try its also unless.Just feeling so unless..Can't even help my team mates or contribute to the team & all I do is just to look at what they are doing & see how to do f*** sia..Have you ever tried seeing your team mate trying very hard to solve the problem but you yourself just sit by the side & cannot help anything at all.Its just a very unless feeling.Maybe I'm just sucks at VB.I came to school today despite I know its gonna be difficult but I just hope that I can learn something & contribute but now none happens.
I also know that I should not just leave half way cos its not really a very responsible thing to do & it might even affect the whole team performance but then haiz...Sorry Ben for not being able to contribute anything today.Hope you won't get angry about it.A thousand apologise to you..
Leaving with full of regrets now.....bb
Jonathan blogged at 12:22 PM
May your light shine...
in the darkness...
Finally my home internet is fixed le wahaha..Now can use internet as & when I want le.
Okok back to daily life...
Last friday(26/10/07) went to school like other normal day & have lesson till 4plus lah.Before I went to write my RJ,I went to the other empty table to charge my handphone.After spending quite some time writing my RJ & do evaluation,I decided to leave & so I proceed to pack my stuff plus make a trip to the toliet.Guess what??? I actually forgot to keep my phone lah..I only realise it when I was at Woodland MRT & I hurried back to school.But then it was too late as the lift is not functioning anymore & the stairs are lock.Fortunately,my classmate saw it before they leave & keep it for me le.Heng sia cos at that time I thought they won't notice it & leave the class plus I was charging it too.Imagine if your phone keep charging continous for 3-4days.I think the battery will blow up lah(okok I know its abit kua zhang).Though my phone is save but these greedy people want me to treat them soulgarden before they return it to me lolz..So no choice but to agree lah(at least its cheaper than buying a new phone rite haiz)...
Saturday(27/10/07) went back to SQSS to have a meeting with my OC first follow by the NCOs.Kind of very long nvr do NPCC stuff & the NCOs suddenly become like so shy when they saw all the CIs hahaz(weird sia lolz)..That day discuss quite a number of stuff & the NCOs too have been assign to do a couple of stuff lah.Oh ya this coming friday(2/11/07) is SQSS NPCC annual big event which is none other than LQ.Sad to say I won't be able to make it as there is school that day.But nonetheless I still wish the event will go on smoothly & hope SQSS NPCC team to win all the other school especially our tradition rival RVSS hahaz..
Jonathan blogged at 8:27 PM
May your light shine...
in the darkness...
Thursday, October 25, 2007
Monday(22/10/07) went to school as normal to have lesson(Basic Science).Everything was the same & I did my own slide too.My team was the second to go so after the first group presented then its our turn.At this very moment suddenly my heart beat very fast sia.I dun know why or how it happen but I just suddenly become very nervous.Although I did my own slide & I really understand everything,but when it come to my slide I was so nervous & was stuttering.I tried to stay claim but I can't.Think I sure get a C again haiz...For the next 2 days was not feeling very well so nvr come school which also means I missed 1 UT lah sob sob..
Today(25/10/07) went to school but was late for UT.In the end din manage to finish lah.And guess what??? I studied for the UT yesterday but today then I found out that I have studied for the wrong topic lah lolz...Heng its Entreprise which is 1 of the topic I like & understand so should not be too bad lah..Can't wait for Monday(29/10/07) to come cos my uncle is coming to set up wireless modem hahaz..This means I can go online at home le lah.
Oh ya got this thing that I wish to say it out very long ago already.Still remember after the POC of J07 CIBTC most of the RP CIs still come down for breakfast or lunch together during our break in school.At the peak there is up to 8 CIs coming down & eat together but then now its almost left to 1 or 2 at the most.We even said to set every Monday & Friday to eat lunch together but then how many of them actually still remember that.I dun mind if they are busy for their work & cannot come down but its like for so many weeks already that they say cannot come down le & some dun even wan to reply.Jennifer even say can disband le which seems to be quite true lah.Kinda tired of calling them down le.Haiz tml is a friday again so lets see hows things goes lah..bb
Jonathan blogged at 12:51 PM
May your light shine...
in the darkness...
Its blogging time!!!!
Hmm..Let me recount what I have done during last week.Friday(19/10/07) went to school as usual & did those same old things again till lesson ended at around 4.20pm.Since the meeting for all the CIs starts at 7pm in JE so decided to go for the SPF talk to spend my time there which start at 4.45pm.After the talk which is about 5.30pm,surprisingly met jenniffer & her friends who also attend the same talk as me.And since still got some time left before the meeting then accompany her with her friend to causeway point KFC for dinner lah.Though the dinner was a short one but nonetheless it was quite an enjoyable one.After that dinner,I parted with her & make my way to JE.Reach there at about 7pm & went to Mac for the meeting cum dinner.It has been about 3 weeks ever since we last seen each other le so other than discussing NPCC stuff we also joke about lah.Was funny to hear Ka Suet lecturer bad habit in school.Oh ya guess what we actully ended the meeting & left Mac at 11.45pm lah hahaz..Guess its because we haven meet each other for a long time le ba hehe...Sat(20/10/07) did not went out so do nothing but to same at home lah.
Sunday(21/10/07) went to IMM in the afternoon with my sis & dad.Upon reaching saw my sec sch tutor with his wife so chat abit then left.After that went to Singtel shop & ask about SingNet broadband service before we proceed to shop around looking for new HP.After that went back home & I brought lunch for my dad & myself.
Today(22/10/07) wake up late as usual went to bath & eat breakfast.Not feeling very well also but still decide to come to school cos promise Jenniffer cannot skip school anymore till the 1 week holiday in november.But nowadays whenever I woke up in the morning I always found myself waivering to go to school or not to go.Its like there is an angle telling you the important of studies & skipping school is not good & an devil tempting me not to go to school & go back to enjoy my sleep.Haiz its easy to tell which is the wise choice but in reality who can also resist the tempation from the devil right from the start to the end.Can anyone tell me what I should do???
The End
Jonathan blogged at 10:35 AM
May your light shine...
in the darkness...
Thursday, October 18, 2007
Back to update about my life...
Last saturday(13/10/07) went out for squad outing at Plaza Singapura.Sadly to say only 7 people turn up but can't blame lah cos its Hari Raya wah hahaz..After everyone reaches(I'm not the last to reach ar),we went to have dinner at Pizza Hut.So at there of cos we chat & joke around lah like what we usually will do.Btw they bluff me sia.Say what 1 of my squadmate become chio bu le then ask me to faster come & see.In the end disappointed sia(Oops) hahaz..So morale of the story is dun ever trust them again.After that actually intended to go watch movie but then in the end nvr watch lah due to some reaons.After that we just walk about at Plaza Singapura before we go on our own ways lah.Overall the gathering was consider "OK" bah.Hope the next gathering would be a better one ya..Hahaz
Back to school life.Its really getting from bad to worst sia.Have actually skipped quite a few days of classes le.Its not like I wanna skipped purposely or what lah.But then I find nothing to motive me to go to school everyday now.Its like going to school for the sake of going & I really hate that kind of feeling.Plus looking at my grades makes me feel even more depress.Its C,C,Cs & more Cs.At the most also 1 B per week or even none at all.Haiz...I really dun know what I should do now.Just hope that my UT result will be better bah.
Looking back to NPCC life.It has been around 3 weeks that the parade has stand own le.Kind of miss those CIs(including sebas & xiao ying) in my unit.Wondering what are they doing & are they doing fine??? Hope none of them are like me hahaz..Sometime really miss being a cadet.Cos being a cadet all you need to do is just to follow instruction & wait for things to happen.Being a NCO is also not that bad lah.Only got more things need to do compare to a cadet & must know how to lead thats all.But now being a CI its different.Everyone in the unit is looking upon you.Its like you are a god that must know everything.Worst is being a Training Executive.I think I must be the worst Training Executive in SQSS NPCC that they ever had.Cos after taking that post for a few months le dun think I have done a good job.Things are still the same in the unit.Attendance low,NCOs skill & knowledge still not enough etc etc....Feel kinda depress sia.I also notice nowadays I get angry easily sia.Maybe its because I expect things to done faster & better & when the NCOs did not do it then I get frustrated.Must try to check my temper more often now.Anyway tml gonna meet up with those CIs hahaz...So happy & looking forward to it sia hahaz..
Thats all for today tata...(Remember to tag ar)
Jonathan blogged at 10:21 AM
May your light shine...
in the darkness...
Today is the first time in semester 2 I'm actually on time for lesson sia.Reach class before 9am hahaz so proud of myself(ya I know I should not be but who cares lolz..).Oh ya yesterday we also took a class photo of W34B & shall share it with you all ya..

OMG!!! My face is being covered Arggh...

Pretty girls & handsome guys rite!!!
This guy must have offended the whole class to deserve this hahaz...

Guys what are you trying to do??? Haha...
Thats all & bb...but pls remember to tag if you guys happen to pass-by my blog k..
Jonathan blogged at 10:47 AM
May your light shine...
in the darkness...
Thursday, October 11, 2007
Currently in school but blogging hahaz...
Today(11/10/07) I was almost late for UT which starts at 9am sharp.Cos 8.30am I am still at home sia so end up decided to take a cab to school which cost me $16.00 lah.OMG!!! I just burn a hole in my pocket sob sob..But can't blame anyone but myself for being late lah.As for today UT,is on cognitive & it is do-able lah hahaz..At least I won't waste my taxi fare for nothing rite hehe..Oh ya this saturday(13/10/07) got squad outing & I am so looking forward to it hahaz..Very long time nvr see them le..Wonder how are they doing also..
Btw think I also kind of dislike one of my classmate le.She hor I cannot tahan her de leh.Worst than being nag by my mum lah & somemore keep ordering me about lah as if she is my boss like that lah.Always think she very great like that but in fact she is not that great at all lor.Arggh!!! Hope I won't be with her again when we change group again..
Jonathan blogged at 10:42 AM
May your light shine...
in the darkness...
Wednesday, October 10, 2007
This few days have been feeling kind of tired cos have not been sleeping enough.Why not enough sleep lei??? Cos there was a few days which I stay up till 1.30am to coach my sis for her upcoming end of year exam & there is also a few days which I stay up just to watch some movie lah hahaz..Think sooner or later sure got a very deep panda eyes will appear.Yesterday(9/10/07) was damn damn tired so din went school again(I know I shouldn't pon school but really very tired lah).So lets not talk about yesterday what I did at home ya.Previously I was also kind of moody cos was quite confuse with myself with some NPCC stuff.I was always thinking,is it me that set a very high standard for the NCOs,have I actually guided them properly or is it just the because the NCOs are just not putting enough effort.Have been thinking & thinking,reflecting & reflecting about it & finally I found myself the answer(sorry but won't be sharing the answer) hahaz..Currently feeling alot much better cos by finding the answer have actually help to throw the boulder hidden inside my feelings yea!!!
Oh ya also wish to share this code that I created it by myself to everyone-(A leader who fails to understand his followers needs will fail to lead his followers to success.) Think that is all for today le bb..But remember to stay tune for more updates in future ya... :)
Jonathan blogged at 1:41 PM
May your light shine...
in the darkness...
Wednesday, October 3, 2007
Hmmm...Lets talk something more about myself in this post.
1st-I like to take photo whenever I hang out with friends or go for any events because whenever I look at it I would remind me of all the happy memories I share with my friends before.But then there is something that many people dun know which is I won't look good in any picture I take.Why lei??? Cos I tends to get very tense up when I face the camera.I will like turn into a wooden block who dun smile or very mian qiang de smile.Dun ask me why I like that de cos I also dun know lah..Hahaz
2nd-I'm a person that I believe some of my friends will find me very difficult to communicate to.To some friends I'm able to talk to them just like normally how friends chat.But then to some friends I really dun know what to say to them & thus I will be very quiet.So sometime some friends will describle me as a quiet guy & thats the reason.
3rd-I might look to be very thick skin at time but actually I a person who actually get very shy easily.I know I dun know like one lah but truthfully I really is one.
4th-When I dun get enough sleep,I will be like blur blur de,cannot concentrate well in studies & become quiet cos no mood to talk.
5th-I'm also a person who really get Emo very easily especially when I watch sad movies or listen to Emotional songs.I believe many people would have notice this already.
6th-I got this weird habit that I dun wear shirt with labels behind cos I find it very uncomfortable.So to do away this uncomfortable I normally cut the label away but then sometime if I'm not carefully enough I will cut the shirt & a hole will appear.
Think that should be all for today bah..bb
Jonathan blogged at 10:36 AM
May your light shine...
in the darkness...