Wednesday, August 29, 2007
After thinking for quite some time,I have finally decided to write out things that I have hide it away from everyone.All these while maybe some of you might have seen me feeling very happy,cheerful or what but in actual fact I have nvr been feeling that way before & was just acting to be one.Those smile that appear on my face were fake because I dun wish people to come & ask me why am I feeling so EMO.And after so much of self-reflecting I realise I'm just a useless & weak person in this world.
As a friend,I think I'm not a person that anyone will find me when they need help cos sometime I can't even help myself let alone helping people.There are also time when I see my friends upset because they have broke up in their relationship & I wish I could do something to cheer them up but I can't cos I myself is a complete failure in relationship.Guess I'm just a useless friend.
In a relationship,I'm really sucks at it.I love her very much but yet I dun know how to express it out.I know she meant alot to me but then I did not treasure her & so I end up losing her.I'm just such a stupid idiot guy who dun know anything about love.Its about 2 months since this relationship had ended & I might seems to have recover to some of you but then deep in my heart I know its far from recovering.Cos I still miss her very much but I know I shouldn't be.I have also kept the ring in my wallet not because I was still hoping her to return to my side but because I just wanna kept those wonderfully memories with me.
As a CI,my goal is for unit to become a gold unit again.That is also the reason why I went for CIBTC but then maybe I'm just too naive to think that I can do it.I'm just a weak CI.A CI that has no talent & ability.Maybe in the first place I should not even have go for CIBTC cos I'm not even fit to be a CI.I just feel so unless.Seeing my unit in a terrible shape but yet I can do nothing much to help.
In my family,as the eldest son I think I'm also a failure.My parents have high hope for me but then all I have done is to disappoint them.My studies haven been doing very well all these years.Though they think my result was alright but I think it sucks.Sometime I really wonder what have I succeed in my life.Maybe there is one which is wasting the resources of the world.
Jonathan blogged at 10:36 AM
May your light shine...
in the darkness...
Saturday, August 25, 2007
Back to update again lolz...
So many days nvr update le now also dun know where to start with hahaz..Actually got alot of things I wish to say but then there are things that I dun know should I write it in the blog or not & also really not in the mood to share everything with everyone lah.Back to the topic tuesday(21/8/07) went down to ACER for servicing cos laptop spoil le.Then they say must reformat & cannot backup my file ARGGH!!!!! So end up losing everything in my laptop lah..Then after repairing le still cannot use cos still must go RP to configure then can use lolz..I think I shall stop here for today cos really got no mood to continue le..
Jonathan blogged at 6:53 PM
May your light shine...
in the darkness...
Back to update...
Lastly Friday (17/8/07) was an rainy day & I woke up late for school also.It was raining cats & dogs so decided to take a bus to JE Interchange rather than walking there like usually what I will do lah.After that went to take MRT to Woodlands & reach there at about 9.10am like that hahaz..Actually lesson starts at 9am but then since late already & was still raining very heavily too so decided to walk slowly to school lah.There was shelter all the way from MRT to school except for 1 part which is the traffic light near the MRT lolz..After reaching the traffic light,I waited for a while cos firstly was raining heavily & secondly wait to see whether got cars coming anot.Then suddenly a lady came to approach me & ask if I want to share umbrella with her to cross the traffic light.Hahaz was feeling very happy lah(not because its a lady that approach me or cos she is pretty or what ah) cos normally no one will care whether you will get wet or not & just walked away.Plus its really a great feeling to received such kindness or help when you need it & I really appreciate that very much as it rarely come often in real life when you are in need for help.After that continue to walk to school & reach class at about 9.40am(which was consider very late lah) hahaz..Then the lesson went on as usual till 3pm like that then left early for NPCC.Attendance for that day was 40 for the all levels(which is consider very low already).Everything was consider ok bah as they are having fun that day except for the PTI lolz..Maybe they nvr go prepare or do their homework & so was quite unsure of what they need to do lah.But since its their first time taking weekly programme so still can forgive them lah.As every programme they take,is an learning experience.So hope all NCOs will learn from these experience & improve on their skills.After debrief ended,went dinner with William at IMM LJS.Din really chat about unit stuff but instead more on our poly life lah hahaz.Before going home we also went to toh guan basketball court & sit for awhile.For me I reach home at 9pm like that & was just in time to catch the 9pm show lah hahaz..That is all for now but continue to stay tune for more updates ya..
Jonathan blogged at 2:27 PM
May your light shine...
in the darkness...
Wednesday, August 15, 2007
Yesterday went out to have dinner with xiao wei,vivian,hui wen,xiao qian & zheng ting at JP foodcourt.As usual we will chit chat abit & joke about lolz..After dinner we went to the basement cos they wanna drink bubble tea then proceed to walk to bus interchange to take bus back home.Reach home at around 8.20pm & was really very tired le.After bathing went to pack some stuff & steal abit of my sis food before going to sleep hahaz..Although sleep for like 9 hours but like not enough leh cos still feel abit tired yawn..Today woke up at 7 plus go bath & eat breakfast then go school.I will also not wear slipper to school again.So angry lah..Everytime wear slipper go school sure got some people who walk without looking & step at my slipper.Hate it man!!! Why can't these people walk with their eyes open especially when the train comes.If you miss it then wait for the next train lah.Whats wrong with them man.Need to chiong like wild boor meh lolz..Plus its not just once that I kana step today but twice lah arrgh.I think must wear slipper/shoe with spike all around it then no one dare to step hahaz..Tml got UT for dun know how many times le but think its the last ba.Its on computing which is my worst module lah lolz..Got study or no study also no much different so just dun bother lah.Just hope dun have question that need us to write out codes de can liao hahaz..
Jonathan blogged at 7:20 PM
May your light shine...
in the darkness...
Today was feeling very tiring cos yesterday night couldn't fall asleep until dun know what time.Also dun know why cannot fall asleep plus woke up slightly late then went to school.Reach school at 9.10am like that & was late for UT so since late already then decided not to take.Anyway also nvr study much so just dun take the test lor.Now just feel tired & abit unwell cos also dun know why stomach just feel abit pain(not because wanna shit).Just dun feel like doing work & wish to rest for awhile first but of cos is cannot de lah cos work not even done yet haiz..Later after school will be going to JP to have dinner with some secondary school classmates so as for what will happen will update u guys the next time ya hahaz..
Jonathan blogged at 11:09 AM
May your light shine...
in the darkness...

Hey still remember the other post that I wrote about I went to my friends house stay overnight.These are the 12 bottle of liquor we brought & drank that day hahaz..These few days dun know why like abit suay sia.On the 8th Aug after the parade finish,I went back home instead of going to school.In the afternoon I decided to bath & I place my dirty pants on the floor.After bathing I
was on the way to the kitchen & I accidentally step onto the pants that cause me almost to fall lah(so scary).Then yesterday night went to buy dinner for my family.After buying,I pass the food to my dad & I forgot there is a packet of coffee in between & drop it sianz..So instead of having dinner end up have to clean & mop the floor lor haiz..Today there was also lesson to attend & in the middle I feel like leaving already but because my friends ask me dun leave & I dun wan to put aeroplane to my team mate & so decide not to leave but then half an hour later my whole team decide to go lolz..Now also abit sad cos my 2 lover friends just broke up recently & now both of them like very EMO too.Haiz as their friends of cos I dun wish to see this happen lah.So just hope both of them will get back to normal soon & have lunch with me if not no one to eat lunch with me very ke lian sob sob haha just joking lah..Sometime I really hate the thing called "LOVE".When you are together its always so sweet.But when things starts to change,it always bring along unimaginable & unbearable pain to the people affected.Maybe I should also stay away from it for the moment too hahaz(as if got ppl want me like that) lolz ..
Jonathan blogged at 6:46 PM
May your light shine...
in the darkness...
Wednesday, August 8, 2007

Hey I'm back to blog again...
Today actually wish to wake up at a much earlier time so that have time for breakfast before going to SQSS for NDP but in the end still overslept lah hahaz..Dun know is the alarm never ring or what but luckily did not overslept till too late & was also just in time to morning call the other CIs (HENG AH) hahaz..By the time I reach school was around 6.30am++ le but the cadets also not ready yet so late abit still can lah hor (OMG I think I'm finding more & more excuses) hehe..Next proceed to give out rank to the NCOs for passing their promotion test then follow by getting the cadets ready for the parade.The GOH was doing fine today but the supporting contigent really dun know how to describe them lah.Cos there are people who come for many training & there are also people whom did not even come for a single training so end up abit messy here & there lah.Oh ya while preparing the cadets for the parade I think I shout at them too much le ba then the other 2 CIs come & tell me dun scold at them already if not morale will get very low & so I follow what they said lah.Guess what happen a few minus later!!! 1 of the CIs that tell me not to scold at them anymore went to shout at them lah haha..So funny lah & was feeling abit dots too.Call me dun shout but end up you are the one that scold at them lolz..Anyway the parade was alright lah so nothing much to say about it(actually is I too lazy to continue writing le haha).
As for about myself presently not doing anything much so just slacking ba.Nothing much about me have change so nothing to tell you guys also lah hahaz.Anyway maybe will not update too often le ba cos partly is lazy lah & also nothing much special that had happen for me to write about but just continue to stay tune for more updates
Jonathan blogged at 4:48 PM
May your light shine...
in the darkness...
Tuesday(31th july) after school my friend & I went to LK house to stay over night cos the following day got no school mah hahaz..Anyway that was also my first time staying over night at my friend house hehe & before we go to his house we went NTUC to buy some snack(eventually nvr finish),Pizza Hut to buy pizza & 7-11 to buy 12 bottle of liquor which cost $68 lah lolz..Just like that only & we spent $130++ lah(nvr mind lah once in a while still can lah hor) hahaz..Next we went to his house which I was very surprise lah cos before I move to Toh Guan I also stay in that area for 8 years too.That place reminds me of my childhood memories & I really miss the times I have spent there before sia(sob sob).OK back to his house,by the time we reach it was 10pm++ already lah & everyone was like so hungry especially me hahaz..After eating we take turn to bath & chit chat for awhile before we play majong.Hahaz of cos I dun know how to play lah but then they taught me & now know how to play abit le yea..And if you believe that beginner normally will have very good luck for the first time they play,then I tell its fake lah.The whole night I win only once lah lolz..As we play we also took out the liquor & drink.As usual after the first bottle my face starts to turn red le hahaz.I think among the 4 of us I'm the worst in drinking lah lolz..We end up playing till 4.30am cos one of my friend who drink alot start to talk nonsense liao hahaz..For me I only manage to drink 2 bottles instead of 3 cos the last bottle is extra strong alcohol taste de that I really cannot take it(not because I drunk le hor hahaz).Then that friend who is abit drunk le still go & drink that bottle lah lolz..After all these activity I got really tired & go to sleep till 10am++ before we go for breakfast.
I left his house at 12pm cos ya got NDP rehearsal that day so go to help out & reach there at around 3pm.Haiz that day super tired lah cos only sleep for like 5hrs then worst I was the only CI there some more.Got to train the GOH & supporting contingent by myself then still need to help take the parade so busy lah.Lucky got some Ex-NCO there to help out too if not really die sia.Anyway glad to see that their drills improve quite alot but of cos still got room for improvement lah especially the supporting contingent.Thats all for today but just continue to stay tune for more updates ya..hahaz
Jonathan blogged at 12:54 PM
May your light shine...
in the darkness...